Do you know how secure your organisation’s data is?

It’s important to be vigilant about your data every day – we're sharing free resources to help employees protect their own, and your company’s data.

Recent data breaches have left over 12 million Australians and around 33% of New Zealanders confused as to what to do about their information being stolen.

Take control of the situation by being aware of the steps you need to take, and the habits to instill to secure the privacy of your customers, your employees and of course, your own data.

Avg data breach cost AUD$4.03 million in 2023

Avoid playing a guessing game when it comes to security awareness. It's time to sync up your team with a training program designed to make your entire workforce 'cyber-fit'. Through robust and engaging training, we can turn potential weak spots into solid cheerleaders of your security strategy.

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Turn your employees into cyber security experts

Phriendly Phishing offers a range of well-curated cyber security training solutions that are created by cyber security experts and designed to teach anyone, at any level of your organisation, how to protect themselves from cyber attacks.

Speak to the Phriendly Phishing team today to learn more about how we can help your staff members become cyber security experts in their own right.

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Tap into our expertise

Check out examples from our resource library:

Case Studies

See how Phriendly Phishing clients of all shapes and sizes have used our training to better protect their businesses.

See case studies
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