12 Days of Phishmas: Cyber Security Awareness for the holiday season
As the holidays approach with joy and festivities, so does the need for heightened cyber vigilance. Welcome to the 2023 "12 Days of Phishmas" —a digital advent calendar, each day gifting you with a crucial cyber safety tip to fortify your online presence during this spirited season.
To help your team and their families avoid a phishy phestive season, Phriendly Phishing brings you 12 Days of Phishmas.
This free resource, complete with an interactive advent calendar-style map (sorry, no chocolate), includes:
Most common holiday scams
Social media during the festive season
Top tips to stay scam-safe over the holidays
Festive Smishing, social engineering, and clickbait
A parents guide to kids online this Christmas
Don't let your guard down this festive season, educate, empower your people so they can protect themselves and your organisation.